Friday, June 8, 2007


So, I was talking with my ds on the phone this morning and of course my dd had to be listening to our conversation. Now, this can sometimes be annoying but, this morning, my dd made a funny. (Back story: I am taking the kiddos camping this weekend.) I was telling my ds how tired I was and wished I could get some good sleep. My dd pipes up and says "You're not gonna get any sleep, cricket, cricket." How true? How true. My dd has been camping enough to know that there are too many night creatures that will keep you awake. I'm so excited! We are gonna have so much fun!


LaVon Baker said...

Dang, she's funny!!

I know you are going to have fun camping. Remember the Labor Day weekend we went to our "mountain" in the Kiamichi Wilderness in N OK? It was soooooooooooooo HOT and the locusts were in concert ALL night long.

Leslie said...

My niece...she's a funny, funny girl. She must take after me. :)