Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Trophy Time

My DH and I have been having the hardest time getting our DS to want to go play his t-ball games. He cries and whines that he doesn't want to play or practice but doesn't tell us why. So, being the good parents we are, we told him that he has to play out the season and if he doesn't want to play next year then he doesn't have to. This was not a satisfactory answer to my DS current issue. He doesn't want to play, now! As a parent who was an athlete and whose oldest child loves sports, I can honestly say, I don't know how to deal with a child who doesn't wanna play. It's frustrating but I'm willing to keep an open mind. Anyway, as I've been looking for ways to get him to the yard, I've sunken to bribery. Yes, you read right. Bribery. One dollar for every time he hits the ball hard. Somehow, this doesn't seem to curtail the crying fits he has when it's time to put on his uniform and go to the yard. As I rack my brain trying to figure out a way to combat this situation, it hits me! Like a bolt of lighting! "You'll get a trophy at the end of the season, if you continue to play in the games." Works like a charm. So, when he begins to whine and cry, I just remind him of that trophy he'll get at the end of the season. This parenting thing is hard!

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